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1780 – The Official Blog of Transylvania University

1780 | The Official Blog of Transylvania University

Operation Cookie Drop-Off delivers pre-finals treats to Transylvania students

delivering cookies

A caravan of cookie wagons rumbled out of Transylvania University’s Campus Center today.

Student life staff were headed to drop off the Insomnia Cookies outside residence hall doors of more than 400 students living on campus during this unusual school year. With the pandemic and Module 4 finals on Thursday, they deserve one, after all.

“We wanted to try and do something nice and little bit of a surprise for students because we know this has been a different, challenging semester,” said Michael Covert, interim vice president for student life. “The student life staff is thinking about them.”

delivering cookies
President Brien Lewis and Campus Center Director Brittany Wildman helped deliver cookies to residential students today.

Campus Center Director Brittany Wildman said that during this school year it’s been difficult for staff to get the same level of interaction with the students they’d like to have. “So taking an opportunity like this to reach out to them and make sure they know we’re here is the important thing. We just want to make ourselves as accessible as possible.”

Along with a cookie, students also received a bag of items to help them unwind a little before finals, including stress balls and slime to play with.

Housing and residence life staff aren’t the only ones showing their appreciation to students this week. For instance, the Student Activities Board is offering Stress Fest activities — they’re passing out friendship bracelet kits today in the Campus Center and residence hall lobbies, and free bagels and coffee are on tap for later in the week.

“This is SAB’s way of saying we know the end of the module is stressful, so … have some good food and drinks — and take time for yourself,” SAB President Olivia Forester said. “We are thinking of you, and good luck with your finals.”

delivering cookies