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1780 – The Official Blog of Transylvania University

1780 | The Official Blog of Transylvania University

Transylvania hosting volunteer projects on campus for Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service; program honoring King planned for Jan. 19

LEXINGTON, Ky.—This year marks the 25th anniversary of the Martin Luther King Jr. federal holiday, and in 1994, the holiday was designated by Congress as a national day of service, charging Americans to make the third Monday in January a “day on, not a day off.”

On Monday, January 17, Transylvania students, faculty and staff will celebrate the 2011 Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service by joining members of the Lexington community to perform service projects. Six of Lexington’s service activities will take place at Transylvania and include donating blood, writing letters of thanks to troops for serving overseas and knitting squares to make blankets for the Build-A-Bed Project. Transylvania has traditionally been very involved in Lexington’s effort, providing 25-45 percent of the volunteers.

Projects at Transylvania
Donate Blood (with Kentucky Blood Center)
William T. Young Campus Center
Corner of Fourth Street and Broadway
Noon-4:30 p.m.
Bring photo ID

Make seedling starter planters for community gardens
Rosenthal Commons (Rosenthal Residence Hall)
Fourth Street
1 p.m.

Write letters of thanks to the troops
William T. Young Campus Center, conference room A
Corner of Broadway and Fourth Street
1 p.m.

Make valentines for Adult Day Center
William T. Young Campus Center, conference room A
Corner of Broadway and Fourth Street
1 p.m.

Make sandwiches for the Hope Center
Forrer Hall, Presidents Room near dining hall
Broadway, between Third and Fourth streets
1 p.m.

Knit blanket squares for Build-A-Bed
Rosenthal Commons
Fourth Street, near Broadway
1 p.m.
Bring your own supplies

Because space is limited, volunteers are asked to register at prior to volunteering. On the website, click “Volunteer,” then “Volunteer Now.” Or call United Way of the Bluegrass at (859) 233-4460.

The end of day celebration will feature a performance of the play “Please Don’t Call Me Homeless…I Don’t Call You Homed,” by the Catholic Action Center, at 7 p.m. in the William T. Young Campus Center. The play is free and open to the public. For more information, contact Becky Cochran at (859) 281-3533.

Martin Luther King, Jr. Program: Wednesday, January 19
On Wednesday, January 19, Transylvania will honor King’s legacy during a special program in Carrick Theater from 7-8:15 p.m. The keynote speaker is University of Kentucky history professor Gerald Smith. The gospel group Anointed Revelation and spoken word artist Truth B. Told will perform. The event is free and open to the public. For more information contact the public relations office at (859) 233-8120.