1780 – The Official Blog of Transylvania University

1780 | The Official Blog of Transylvania University

Follow Transylvania University on Twitter!

Transylvania is now using Twitter to keep the campus community, future students, alumni and friends informed of the university’s latest news.

What is Twitter?
Twitter is a free social networking service that allows its users to send and read other users’ updates (otherwise known as tweets), which are text-based posts of up to 140 characters in length.

Twitter is used by Transy as a communications tool to stay connected with our “followers” and to pass along emergency notifications (like weather closings), campus reminders, upcoming events and other university information of interest.

Creating Your Twitter Account
Creating a Twitter account is easy.
Simply go to www.twitter.com and click on the “Get Started-Join!” button. You will need to provide a username. Twitter will check for duplicates to ensure each username is unique. You will then provide a password and e-mail address. You can only create one Twitter account per e-mail address. Finally, enter the word(s) displayed in the security box and click the “Create my account” button.

Follow Transy

In order to receive Twitter messages from Transy you will need to “follow” the account we use. To do this, log into Twitter, enter “Transy” (no quotes) in the “Name or location” box located at the top of your Twitter home page, and click on search. On the results page that opens, locate the entry for Transy (should be the only entry) and click “Follow”. That’s it, you are now following Transy and your Twitter account will receive any messages sent by Transy. To see these messages simply log into Twitter and they will be displayed on your home page.

Receiving Updates on Your Cell Phone
To receive messages from Transy at nearly the speed of light you can have these messages sent to your cell phone as text messages. To set this service up, log into Twitter and click “settings”. Enter your cell phone number in the box (include a “+” and leading “1” so it will look like +18591112222), check the box allowing Twitter to send you text messages, and click “Save”. Twitter will send you a text message to verify you want to receive text messages on the phone number you provided. Depending on your cell phone provider and contract you may incur charges for text messages. If you follow more than Transy and don’t want to have all your tweets sent as text messages you should set up a separate Twitter account for Transy. To stop receiving text messages simply uncheck the box allowing Twitter to send text messages.

Our Promise To You

We promise to respect the fact that you’ve voluntarily signed up to receive updates from us either via our Twitter Web site or via text message. We will not abuse this communications tool with frivolous messages, although every message may not be relevant or of interest to you.