Choose from the Best
We are thrilled that you are interested in working with Transylvania University and Career Development to identify talent to bring to your organization!
Our high-achieving students
- possess the very skill set you need
- are educated across disciplines
- understand responsibility, hard work and time management
- are prepared to succeed in many kinds of jobs, not just one.
There are several ways for you to find the perfect Transylvania student for your needs.

Career Development
Office of Career Development
Old Morrison 107
Email us
Campus map
Phone: 859-233-8193
Fax: 859-233-8785
Hours: Monday–Friday, 8:30 a.m.–5 p.m.
Information Booths
Creating positive brand recognition for your company or graduate school is important when recruiting students. We welcome you to visit campus during the academic year to meet with students and to share your programs and opportunities.
Career Development will host you at a table set up just outside the entrance to the cafeteria, so you can catch students on their way to or from lunch. We’ll also treat you to the yummy food there!
To schedule an information table on campus, please contact Jill Warfield or call the office at 859-233-8193. While you are welcome to come any time, we recommend Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11:30 a.m.–1:30 p.m., which are our highest traffic times in the Raf.
Career Fairs
We know our students and alumni look great on paper when they apply for jobs and grad schools, but meeting them in person is how you get to see them shine!
Spotlight Career Fair
This annual consortium fair of the 21 schools of the Association for Independent Kentucky Colleges and Universities (AIKCU) and Hanover College in Indiana is an opportunity to explore jobs, internships and grad schools. The event typically takes place in late February or early March in Lexington, Ky., frequently the day before or after the career fair held by Eastern Kentucky University. This gives you the chance to see hundreds of students over a couple of days.
Law School Fairs
Transylvania University holds a law school fair annually on the first Wednesday in October. this event is part of central Kentucky Law School Fair week. Other colleges in the area hosting law school fairs include Centre, Eastern Kentucky, Georgetown and the University of Kentucky.
Recruitment Policies
The following policies are designed to ensure the protection of our students and alumni and to ensure that your organization maintains a positive brand reputation with the Transylvania community.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the following policies, please contact Tracy Dunn, Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs.
- Fee-Free Recruiting
Transylvania University does not post job openings, allow on-campus recruiting, or promote organizations that charge students and alumni fees for training or employment purposes. - Ethically Responsible Recruiting
Transylvania University adheres to the Principles for Professional Conduct established by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) and requires that all students who participate in recruiting activities abide by these standards. We expect the same professionalism from employers. Recruiters must treat all student information, including resumes and transcripts, as strictly confidential. All interviewers should be trained to ask only those questions that are legal and appropriate. You are encouraged to review the Principles for Employment Professionals included in the document above. - Anti-Discrimination Policy
Transylvania University requires that any institution, corporation, organization, agency, or individual applying to use the facilities/services of the Career Development Center or engaged in recruiting Transylvania students or alumni certify that it is an equal opportunity employer and comply with all applicable laws and regulations, including Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendment of 1972, Title I and Title V of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and the 1976 Equal Opportunities Act of Kentucky. In addition, recruiters must certify that applicants will be given equal consideration without regard to race, religion, creed, sex, national or ethnic origin, age, marital status, disability or sexual orientation, unless allowed by law.