Latin American & Caribbean Studies

A key component to a truly liberal arts education is the integration of academic approaches and disciplines. Latin American and Caribbean Studies (LACS) has long been a popular interdisciplinary program in American higher education. It draws from myriad disciplines, including anthropology, art, art history, biology, business, education, English, French, Spanish, history, music, political science, sociology, and women’s studies.

In addition to helping students make connections across disciplines, courses such as Spanish 3234 Latin American Civilization and History 2404 Latin American Civilization I also invite students to consider the scholarly approaches different disciplines use to interpret the same subject.

Students interested in careers in public policy, diplomacy, social work, or education would all benefit from a deeper understanding of Latin American and Caribbean culture and how its history and mores are shaping the U.S. and the rest of the world. 

The Latin American and Caribbean studies program connects students and faculty to international and national conversations about such issues as globalization, migration, and cultural diffusion. Furthermore, LACS better connects Transylvania to the local community, which has recently witnessed a tremendous growth in the presence of Latin American and Caribbean peoples. A campus-wide engagement in the issues, and a group of dedicated students studying Latin American and Caribbean history, language, and culture, makes Transylvania a better neighbor and Transylvania students better global citizens.

Possible Career Options

Public policy
Social work
Medical fields
Travel and tourism


Jeremy Paden,
Professor of Spanish

Transylvania University
300 North Broadway
Lexington, KY 40508-1797

Phone: (859) 281-3673

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