
Please note: The German Studies major is being phased out of the Transylvania University curriculum. Only students who enrolled prior to fall 2023 may major in German Studies.

Many of history’s greatest thinkers wrote in German: Goethe, Mann, Kafka, Kant, Hegel, Schiller, Marx, Nietzsche, Freud, and Jung, to name just a few. And some of the world’s most renowned artists were of German descent: Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Wagner, Dürer, Nolde, Ernst.

Ranked in the top 5% nationwide for Most Focused—Germanic Languages by College Factual

Transylvania is a member of the Kentucky Institute for International Studies, which offers two excellent opportunities to study in Germany. Students can live with a German host family for either six weeks in the summer or three months during the academic year. By immersing yourself in the language and culture, you will establish a solid foundation for further study and achieve considerable fluency. 

Where Our Graduates Have Worked

Affinion Group
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital
Leyhausen International Services
U.S. State Department

Where Our Graduates Have Studied

Emory University
Indiana University
New York University
Syracuse University
University of Chicago
Vanderbilt University

Possible Career Options

Teacher or professor
International business or banking professional
Translator or interpreter
Writer or editor

Semester Study Abroad Opportunities

Australia I
Germany I
Germany II
New Zealand

These GlobalTransy programs have at least two courses related to the major.

Interested in studying abroad for a summer? Take a look at our summer study abroad opportunities.


Simonetta Cochis,
Professor of French and Spanish

Transylvania University
300 North Broadway
Lexington, KY 40508-1797

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