Computer Science

The computer science major at Transylvania University in Lexington, Kentucky, combines the core, ACM-inspired knowledge and skills needed in the field while providing you with numerous opportunities to take courses in diverse areas such as robotics, augmented reality app coding and game design. Your computer science degree is a starting point for a career on the cutting edge of technology.

Technical graduate programs love to get students from liberal arts undergraduate institutions—they have the independent problem solving and communication skills needed to be successful.

Kenny Moorman, professor of computer science

The core curriculum introduces students to the field and delves into subjects such as object-oriented design and computer hardware. Students also have the chance to more deeply explore topics such as cognitive science, operating systems and artificial intelligence.

This unique concentration approach allows students to focus on any area of study during their junior and senior years and tie it to computer science. In the senior project course, students apply that knowledge to a real world project. For example, they have built projects relating to staging theater productions, conducting political science research and creating computer animated films. Students have also participated in several outside research projects, including a National Science Foundation program with NASA.

Positions Our Graduates Have Held

Engineering manager, Facebook
Senior software engineer, Apple
Software development engineer, Microsoft
System administrator, Ford Motor Company
Database specialist, Ashland Inc.
Group program manager, RealNetworks, Seattle
Director of cancer research, University of Kentucky
Lead architect, Intel Corporation
Senior vice president, Sony Corporation

Opportunities in the Major

Internships with dozens of tech companies in Lexington area
Summer research on campus and at other universities
Independent study during the school year

Courses of Special Interest

Artificial Intelligence
Game Design
3-D Manufacturing
iPad App Development

Internships Our Students Have Completed

Cirrus Mio
Awesome, Inc.

Where Our Graduates Have Studied

Carnegie Mellon University
Georgia Institute of Technology
Harvard University
New York University
North Carolina State University
Princeton University
University of Colorado
University of Kentucky
University of Washington-Seattle

Possible Career Options

Game designer
Robotic engineer
Virtual reality modeler
Data visualization scientist

Semester Study Abroad Opportunities

Australia I
Australia II
England II
South Korea

These GlobalTransy programs have at least two courses related to the major.

Interested in studying abroad for a summer? Take a look at our summer study abroad opportunities.


Robert England,
Professor of Computer Science; Program Director

Laura Ray Warren,
Administrative Assistant, Division of Natural Sciences and Mathematics

Transylvania University 
300 North Broadway 
Lexington, KY 40508-1797

Phone: (859) 233-8228

More Information