
Prepare for your career

Many of our students pursue careers in law, medicine, engineering or accounting. A degree from Transylvania helps to open doors. Academic rigor, leadership and community service opportunities combine with specific coursework and advising to prepare you for a variety of professions and to stand out in your applications to graduate programs.

From dentistry to pharmacy to veterinary medicine, Transylvania prepares you for post-graduate studies. Faculty members who serve on the Pre-Health Advisory Committee guide students as they navigate their career options, course schedules, extracurricular activities and the application process for their chosen professional program. Students are exposed to a wide range of career possibilities and begin to understand the interdependence of the various fields.

more than 90 percent of our students recommended to medical schools and other health professions programs are admitted
100 percent of our students recommended to law schools are accepted


Nearly any major offered provides a rigorous course of study suitable for students interested in a law career. We also offer a May term course that will help prepare you for the LSAT.


If your goal is to work in an engineering field, Transylvania offers two tracks to prepare for a career:

  1. In the 3-2 arrangement, students earn a B.A. in physics or liberal studies from Transylvania in three years and a B.S. in engineering from the University of Kentucky in two years.
  2. If you prefer to stay on Transylvania’s campus all four years, you can take up to six engineering courses at the University of Kentucky College of Engineering as part of your undergraduate study and be fully prepared to enter a master’s or doctoral engineering program—at the institution of your choice—upon graduation. With this plan, it’s typical to complete a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree in five years.


Because of our innovative curriculum and the rigor of the program, our four-year accounting graduates can sit for the CPA exam without having to earn a graduate degree. Take part in professional internships with local accounting firms, businesses, horse farms and other organizations.